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Forest Landscape Restoration


This blended course is a collaboration between ELTI and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with support from GIZ  that an in-person interactive workshop, field visits and an online course. It is designed to introduce participants to the concepts and techniques needed to develop and implement Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) strategies. The course will also provide participants with the knowledge and skill sets needed to implement the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM), which will help them to identify and prioritize FLR opportunities.


The in-person workshop and field visit will include:

Day 1:

  • Session 1: Opening and introduction
  • Session 2: Fundamentals of FLR
  • Session 3: Stakeholder participation in FLR

Day 2:

  • Session 4: Landscape restoration opportunities
  • Session 5: Multi-criteria analysis and data collection for ROAM
  • Session 6: Developing appropriate FLR interventions

Day 3:

  • Session 7: Tracking progress and action on FLR
  • Session 8: Update of FLR
  • Session 9: Closing session

Day 4-5:

  • Field study tour in Sile-Elgo catchment

A six-week online course will follow the in-person event. The online course will include:

Week 1: Fundamental ecological concepts
Week 2: Forest landscape restoration and ROAM
Week 3: Identifying and prioritizing opportunities for forest landscape restoration
Week 4: Forest landscape restoration options
Week 5: Developing and planning FLR interventions
Week 6: Tracking progress on FLR (the Barometer) and monitoring