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We've compiled the following resources to assist our trainees and alumni. Also of note is our Tropical Restoration Library, a multidisciplinary source of knowledge and research to support restoration training, research, and implementation around the world.
ELTI Resource Documents
Conference Reports
July 12, 2024
Source: SOBRE
Anais da V Conferência Brasileira de Restauração Ecológica - SOBRE 2024
Maria Otavia (Brazil program coordinator) published the article on p. 56. The Brazil team published an article in the proceedings of the V Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration (SOBRE 2024) titled “Strategies to strengthen capacities and qualify agents of ecological restoration (p. 56).” The session highlighted the importance of formative actions as a key pillar of the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and emphasized the need for strategic investments to support the socio-productive inclusion of seed collectors, nursery producers, and restoration practitioners.
December 22, 2022
Source: Agroecossistemas
Silvopastoral Systems and Ecological Connectivity in a Grazing Landscape of the Magdalena Medio Region, Colombia
"Silvopastoral Systems and Ecological Connectivity in a Grazing Landscape of the Magdalena Medio Region, Colombia" (English translation) is an open-access article which summarizes the results of a six-year collaborative project in which ELTI's partner organization CIPAV, and ranchers of Riberas del San Juan (Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia) designed and implemented silvopastoral and agroforestry systems aimed at enhancing farm productivity, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem services. The article, co-authored by ELTI's Colombia Coordinator Zoraida Calle, was published in the journal "Agroecossistemas."
November 21, 2022
Source: Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards (BPSILHK)
Cover Crops for Coal Mine Rehabilitation
"Tanaman Penutup Tanah ('Cover Crop') untuk Reklamasi Tambang Batubara" (English translation: "Cover Crops for Coal Mine Rehabilitation") is the third book of a series published in Indonesian by ELTI's close partner Dr. Ishak Yassir (Head of Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards [BPSILHK] Samboja) in support of ELTI's training program activities implemented by local partners on mine site rehabilitation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this book, Dr. Yassir discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using different leguminous and non-leguminous cover crops as part of the rehabilitation process.
November 21, 2022
Source: Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards (BPSILHK)
Birds and Bats in Former Coal Mines
"Burung & Kelelawar di Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara" (English translation: "Birds and Bats in Former Coal Mines") is the second book of a series published in Indonesian by ELTI's close partner Dr. Ishak Yassir (Head of Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards [BPSILHK] Samboja) in support of ELTI's training program activities implemented by local partners on mine site rehabilitation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this book, Dr. Yassir introduces local bird and bat species and underlines their important role in bringing seeds from neighboring forest patches into former mining sites.
November 21, 2022
Source: Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards (BPSILHK)
Plant Species from Natural Regeneration Processes in Former Mining Land
"Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan dari Proses Regenerasi Alami di Lahan Bekas Tambang" (English translation: "Plant Species from Natural Regeneration Processes in Former Mining Land") is the first book of a series published in Indonesian by ELTI's close partner, Dr. Ishak Yassir (Head of Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards [BPSILHK] Samboja), in support of ELTI's training program activities implemented by local partners on mine site rehabilitation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this book, Dr. Yassir introduces early successional species that often enter former coal mine sites through natural dispersal. Rather than being cut down to make room for planted species, Dr. Yassir recommends integrating these trees into the rehabilitation process.
November 4, 2022
Source: The Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) Colombia
Lineamientos para la transición hacia la regeneración de los sistemas alimentarios de Antioquia
"Guidelines for the transition towards regenerative food systems in Antioquia" (English translation) is an open-access document which provides technical inputs for designing public and corporate policies, and it is part of the Food and Land Use Coalition’s (FOLU) initiative to achieve sustainable food and land use systems that meet local and global goals in countries around the world. The booklet, co-authored by ELTI's Colombia Coordinator Zoraida Calle, was launched at the event titled ”Regeneration: The Path to Climate Resilience,” which took place in Medellín and was part of the Antioquia 2022 Climate Emergency International Convention.
October 5, 2022
AGROFORESTRY: A PRIMER. Design and management principles for people and the environment
"Agroforestry: A Primer. Design and Management Principles for People and the Environment," which was recently published by CIFOR-ICRAF. In recent years, agroforestry has been widely promoted as a land use practice that can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, forest & landscape restoration, sustainable agriculture, and other pressing global issues. Agroforestry, however, is more than just adding trees to existing land use practices. Moreover, agroforestry has such a wide variety of forms that it can not be promoted through simple cook book-style recipes. To address the needs of those who are new to the field, this book was designed to provide an easy-to-understand introduction to the basic principles underlying agroforestry and to provide practical guidance on the development of an array of different agroforestry systems.
September 7, 2022
Source: ELTI
Presentations from the Training on the Management and Monitoring of HCV-HCS Area in Oil Palm Plantations
This Indonesian-language pdf summarizes all of the PPTs that were used in the Training on the Management and Monitoring of HCV-HCS Area in Oil Palm Plantations, which was held in Sekadau, West Kalimantan, from August 10-11, 2022.
The conservation of forest areas within oil palm plantations to safeguard and enhance their High Conservation Values (HCV) and High Carbon Stocks (HCS) is a key requirement for sustainability certification through the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). In order to fulfill this requirement, oil palm plantations need to implement a management and monitoring system for the HCV-HCS sites. For many oil palm plantations, however, the knowledge and skills needed to set up such a system fall outside their area of expertise. This training, therefore, aims to introduce the concept and best practices of HCV- HCS management and monitoring to relevant oil palm plantation staff.
Field Guides
May 1, 2022
Source: ELTI
Guía Práctica para Establecer Sistemas Silvopastoriles en la Península de Azuero de Panamá
Jacob L. Slusser (IATTC-ELTI Panama Coordinator), Jorge Gutiérrez (IATTC-ELTI Field Technician), and Saskia Santamaría (IATTC-ELTI Neotropics Associate) published Panama’s first practical guide in Spanish titled “Guía Práctica para Establecer Sistemas Silvopastoriles en la Península de Azuero de Panamá (Practical Guide to Establish Silvopastoral Systems in the Azuero Peninsula of Panama).” The guide provides detailed information about the five main components to designing and establishing silvopastoral systems (SPS) based on ELTI's 10+ years of experience in implementing SPS with cattle ranchers, community associations, and ELTI alumni from Panama's Azuero Peninsula. This open-access publication was made possible by the generous support of the Conservation, Food and Health Foundation (CFH).
Related Resources
ELTI Initiatives:
Yale School of of the Environment Initiatives: