
Poster for the course led by ELTI alumni Bárbara Gómez and Carlos Venegas
Note: Yale School of the Environment (YSE) was formerly known as the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES). News articles and events posted prior to July 1, 2020, refer to the School's name at that time.
ELTI alumni Bárbara Gómez and Carlos Venegas work to preserve cultivated biodiversity and rescue traditional knowledge by promoting agroecological production, rural development and cultural identity at the Center for Education and Technology (CET) on the Chiloé Archipelago in Chile.
Livestock on the Chiloé Archipelago has become vulnerable to extreme weather events due to the lack of an ecological structure capable of providing adequate nutrition, protection and welfare to animals. Intensive silvopastoral systems that combine grasses, forage crops, shrubs and trees are a promising agroecological restoration alternative for the island’s cattle farms.
With support from ELTI, Bárbara and Carlos offered the course "Agroecological Restoration and Intensive Silvopastoral Systems" in Chiloé in November 2019. The objective was to train a cohort of 20 technicians and professionals in developing silvopastoral systems, design four projects and strengthen the network of agroecological producers and intensive silvopastoral systems on the archipelago.