Resource Description
"Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan dari Proses Regenerasi Alami di Lahan Bekas Tambang" (English translation: "Plant Species from Natural Regeneration Processes in Former Mining Land") is the first book of a series published in Indonesian by ELTI's close partner, Dr. Ishak Yassir (Head of Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards [BPSILHK] Samboja), in support of ELTI's training program activities implemented by local partners on mine site rehabilitation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this book, Dr. Yassir introduces early successional species that often enter former coal mine sites through natural dispersal. Rather than being cut down to make room for planted species, Dr. Yassir recommends integrating these trees into the rehabilitation process.
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Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards (BPSILHK)
Date of publication
Monday, November 21, 2022