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Essential Oils Production


The Essential Oils Production course is offered through a partnership between ELTI-Yale, IPÊ - Institute of Ecological Research, and the Socio-Environmental Development Project for Family Agriculture (DSAF) of the Pau-Brasil Agroecology and Organic Production Study Center (NEA-PB) at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) and the Fotossíntese Institute. This course will take place on August 1 and 2, 2024, with a total of 16 hours of training. The first day will involve fieldwork at the Nova Vitória and Miramar Rural Associations, both located in Eunápolis, Bahia. The second day will be the laboratory part at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB), Sosígenes Costa Campus, in Porto Seguro, Bahia. Registration will be free and exclusive to family farmers affiliated with the Nova Vitória and Miramar Rural Associations. There will be 20 spots available for participants.


The production of essential oils represents a significant opportunity for diversification and income increase for family farmers and traditional populations in southern Bahia who adopt agroecological practices. This course aims to train the communities assisted by the DSAF Project to benefit and add value to their productions, exploring a growing market. Some producers from the Nova Vitória Association already have an agroecological production of Melaleuca alternifolia, an exotic plant with no invasive potential, while some producers from the Miramar Association sustainably manage Varronia curassavica, a native plant with traditional medicinal use. Both plants are recognized for their medicinal properties, making their essential oils highly valued. This course will provide small farmers with a comprehensive and practical understanding of essential oil production, from harvest to commercialization. Through this course, producers will be able to add value to their productions, promote environmental sustainability, and improve their socioeconomic conditions, integrating competitively into the essential oils market. The topics to be explored include:

  • Introduction to essential oils: Importance and uses of essential oils
  • Harvesting and storage
  • Essential oil extraction: Botanical characteristics of Melaleuca alternifolia and Varronia curassavica
  • Methods, equipment, and techniques used in extraction
  • Step-by-step steam distillation process and practical demonstrations
  • Quality Control
  • Commercial and Legal Aspects