Resource Description
"Tanaman Penutup Tanah ('Cover Crop') untuk Reklamasi Tambang Batubara" (English translation: "Cover Crops for Coal Mine Rehabilitation") is the third book of a series published in Indonesian by ELTI's close partner Dr. Ishak Yassir (Head of Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards [BPSILHK] Samboja) in support of ELTI's training program activities implemented by local partners on mine site rehabilitation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this book, Dr. Yassir discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using different leguminous and non-leguminous cover crops as part of the rehabilitation process.
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Center for the Application of Environmental and Forestry Instrument Standards (BPSILHK)
Date of publication
Monday, November 21, 2022