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Dominique Cagalananan (ELTI alumna, Executive Director of the EcoHealth Newtork, and assistant professor at Coastal Carolina University), Clayton Whitesides (assistant professor at Coastal Carolina University), and ELTI Asia Program Advisor David Neidel published an introductory article (open access) to a special issue (Volume 18, issue 3-4) of The Geography Teacher entitled, “Interdisciplinarity in Geography Educational Experiences Abroad.” The special issue (not open access) contains 14 manuscripts, including a survey article, research articles, and lesson plans. Cagalanan and Whitesides also published an article in this volume entitled, “Integrated International Field Trips Maximize Accessibility and Preserve Learning Value in an Age of Uncertainty,” discussing an experiential learning trip focused on forest restoration and degraded land rehabilitation that Coastal Carolina University was planning to take to Visaya State University (VSU) in the Philippines, facilitated by VSU-ELTI. Although the trip was cancelled due to COVID-19, the article underscores the benefits of partnering with on-the-ground institutions in highlighting local knowledge and maximizing place-based learning.
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Source of Resource
The Geography Teacher
Date of publication
Friday, December 31, 2021