Field Training Program
Connect with world-renowned people and resources about conserving and restoring your area.
- What ecosystem services do native trees and tropical forests generate?
- How are native trees, tropical forests and ecosystem services valued and utilized?
- What actions degrade these ecosystems?
- How can they be protected and restored?
- What can you do?
- Who else is doing this work?
Explore these questions in our field trainings in the Neotropics and Tropical Asia.
Through the lens of your area’s needs, you will arrive at useful answers: the value of native trees and tropical forests, and the factors that impact them; conservation and restoration skills and tools you can adapt and apply; connection with a network of like-minded people around the world.
Often, our alumni go on to develop and implement conservation and restoration projects and plans, either on their own or with support from our Leadership Program. They have also led their own training events based on what they learn from us.
Learn how to design, implement and evaluate conservation and restoration projects and initiatives.
One person can make a difference. In a human-dominated landscape, your actions can help to protect existing tropical forests, restore native tree cover and ecosystem services, and strengthen local livelihoods.
Blending cutting-edge research, local wisdom and hands-on experiences, we explore the natural and social science aspects of conservation and restoration policy and practice. We frame the learning process and guide discussions at multiple scales from the global to the local.
Our support adapts to your goals.
Our training programs adapt to each areas’ specific needs. That’s why we take a bottom-up approach. We are more successful because we work with local practices, cultures and land-use choices. Rather than prescribe specific actions, we listen to local needs and present opportunities and solutions as options and discuss their potential implications.
We help to empower people to manage land sustainably in ways that support their needs and interests.
Our programs explore these primary themes:
- Native Species Reforestation and Tropical Forest Restoration
- Integrating Trees and Forests into Cattle Ranching Landscapes
- Rehabilitation of Mined Sites
- Monitoring Restoration Initiatives
- Mangrove Restoration
- Financing Conservation and Restoration Projects
- Watershed Restoration
Focal Training Sites
In addition to implementing training sites in our focal countries, we have also selected long-term training sites with in-country partners where we develop standardized training materials, corresponding trail systems with field exercises, and nearby demonstration case studies with landholders.
These sites are strategically selected with local partners for the prevalence of on-going research and applied projects that are ideal for teaching purposes.
Conferences and Symposia
In addition to our hands-on field-based training programs, we organize conferences and symposia related to our focal themes in our partner countries. National and international experts present their latest research findings and work experiences. Audience members are encouraged to connect with presenters.
These events are open to the public. After the event, a free PDF copy of the proceedings – usually in English and Spanish – are made available in our Resources area.
Find upcoming events in your area.