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Zoraida Calle (CIPAV-ELTI Colombia Coordinator) and Alicia Calle published an article in Spanish entitled, “Lessons Learned about Generational Exchange in the Colombian Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project (English translation),” for the open-access proceedings of the 11th International Silvopastoral Systems Conference held between November 3 and 5, 2021. The book contains the presentations between keynotes and those presented by the participants. The presentations are grouped into the following sections: 1) sustainable livestock, 2) strategies for adaptation, mitigation and resilience to climate change in the territories, 3) innovative livestock farmers in silvopastoral and agrosilvopastoral systems, and 4) generational change in the field—silvopastoral heirs. The Colombian Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project promoted the transition to silvopastoral systems on an unprecedented scale in Latin America. Although generational exchange was not an explicit objective of this project, concern from the technical team and participating farmers about the lack of generational renewal, was a motivation to open an intergenerational dialogue through the workshops offered to silvopastoral heirs. This article summarizes some findings and recommendations from various extension agents and scientists from the project, demonstration farm owners, and silvopastoral heirs, to integrate intergenerational dialogue as an essential objective of sustainable livestock projects. The following general recommendations are discussed in detail: 1. make contributions of young people visible, 2. strengthen their capacities, 3. generate opportunities for youth through activities that complement livestock production, and 4. create opportunities for them through knowledge generation processes.
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Date of publication
Thursday, November 18, 2021