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Conference: Restoring Forests for Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services


Indonesia has tens of millions of hectares of degraded land resulting from unsustainable land use practices. From colonial times on, the government has implemented a wide variety of reforestation projects, but typically with limited success due to an array of technical, social and institutional problems. This conference (September 12) examines some of the more innovative reforestation approaches being conducted in Indonesia and across the Asia-Pacific region and looks at their (wider) applicability to Indonesia. The conference is followed by a small workshop on September 13, which is designed to determine how best to facilitate the adoption of more ecologically- and socially-sound forms of reforestation in Indonesia.

Restorasi Hutan untuk Masyarakat, Keanekaragaman Hayati, dan Jasa Ekosistem

Konferensi dan workshop akan diselenggarakan oleh ELTI, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dan Tropenbos-Indonesia

September 12-13, 2011

Institut Pertanian Bogor Convention Center
Bogor, Indonesia

Indonesia memiliki puluhan juta hektar lahan rusak akibat praktek-praktek penggunaan lahan yang tidak memperhatikan sistem manajemen berkelanjutan. Sejak zaman penjajahan, pemerintah telah menerapkan berbagai proyek kegiatan restorasi tetapi tingkat keberhasilannyamasih sangat terbatas. Hal ini dikarenakan penerapan teknologi yang tidak tepat, permasalahan sosial dan kelembagaan. Konferensi ini (12 September 2011) akan mengevaluasi beberapa pendekatan reforestasi yang lebih inovatif untuk diterapkan di Indonesia dan wilayas Asia-Pasifik serta membahas (lebih lanjut) penerapannya di Indonesia. Konferensi ini akan dirangkai dengan kegiatan workshop pada tanggal 13 September, yang dirancang untuk memfasilitasi dan menemukan cara terbaik yang lebih ekologis dan mensosialisasi reforestasi di Indonesia.


Rector's Welcome: Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto / Bogor Agricultural Institute

Organizers Welcome:  Dr. David Neidel / ELTI

Keynote Address

  • Regreening the barren hills: Alternative methods of tropical forest restoratio"Dr. David Lamb / University of Queensland

Keynote Speech & Official Opening: Mr.  Zulkifli Hasan, SE, MM / Ministry of Forestry

  • What is assisted natural regeneration (ANR)?
    Mr. Patrick Dugan / Bagong Pagasa Foundation
  • Research towards refining framework forestry
    Dr. Stephen Elliot / Chiang Mai University
  • Restoring degraded mine land using native species
    Dr. Yadi Setiadi / Bogor Agricultural Institute

Open Forum: Moderator: Dr. Yeni Mulyani / Bogor Agricultural Institute

  • Ecological Mangrove rehabilitation in Indonesia from a practitioner’s perspective
    Mr. Benjamin Brown / Mangrove Action Program
  • Applying an ecological approach to create new forest from an Imperata grassland area in Samboja, East Kalimantan
    Mr. Ishak Yassir / Forest Research Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry/Wageningen University

Open Forum: Moderator: Dr. Yeni Mulyani / Bogor Agricultural Institute

  • Improving environmental and socio-economic conditions through forest community management in Sesaot, Lombok Barat
    Mr. Tonni Asmawan / World Agroforestry Centre
  • Landscape restoration in Indonesia: The urgent need for a community-driven approach
    Dr. Petrus Gunarso / Tropenbos-Indonesia

Open Forum: Moderator: Dr. Yeni Mulyani / Bogor Agricultural Institute

  • Closing Remarks: Dr. Campbell Webb / Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum