First Course on Payment for Environmental Services for the Mosaics Protected Area in Southern Bahia
This three-day workshop was designed to provide a basic introduction to compensation and payments for environmental services for the members of the Steering Committee of the “Protected Areas Mosaic of Southern Bahia”, which is part of the Central Atlantic Forest Corridor. The goal of this course was to explore if PES is a viable strategy to encourage and enable landholders that live within the Protected Areas Mosaic, which contains a patchwork of agricultural land and forest fragments, to protect, manage, and restore the region’s remaining tropical forests. Through a series of lectures, case study presentations, a project clinic, and a field trip, participants learned the basics about PES initiatives in order to explore the possibility of developing a PES program at the level of the Mosaic. During the last day of the course, participants organized an initial project proposal with the guidance of course instructors that they plan to continue to develop in order to solicit funds to begin a PES initiative in the region.
Day 1
- Module 1: The impacts of fragmentation on environmental services
- Module 2: Payments for ecosystem services: concepts and origin
- Module 3: Economic aspects of conservation and legal frameworks
- Module 4: Markets for environmental services
- Case Study 1: Proposal for the State Park, “Três Picos”
- Module 5: Steps needed to develop a PES program
Day 2
- Module 6: A global perspective on PES: approaches and lessons learned
- Modulo 7: A review of PES projects related to water in Brazil and worldwide
- Case Study 2: ProductorES de Agua (Minas Gerais)
- Case Study 3: Projeto Porto das Águas
- Case Study 4: A review of forest carbon projects in Brazil and worldwide
- Case Study 5: Projecto Carbono Caraíva (S. Bahia)
- Case Study 6: A REDD project in northeast mosaic of Mato Grosso
- Case Study 7: PES projects in Costa Rica: experiences and lessons learned
- Module 8: How to incorporate biodiversity in PES programs
- Case study 8: The environment ministry and PES projects in the Mata Atlantica
Day 3
- Field Trip: A review of a watershed restoration effort via native species reforestation in Porto Seguro and the potential to develop a PES program at this site
- Panel Discussion
- Project Development Exercise: Conceptualizing a PES program at the scale of the Mosaic