Forest Landscape Restoration and the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology
This blended training course is being offered in collaboration between ELTI, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). The course will provide an introduction to the concepts and techniques needed to develop and implement strategies for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR). It is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to implement the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM) in order to generate appropriate information for improved decision-making on landscape restoration. Participants will learn how FLR opportunities can be identified, analyzed and prioritized using ROAM, and discuss strategies to unlock finance and scale up FLR interventions.
About the course:
This training will begin with a two-week online primer divided into two thematic modules:
Week 1: Social and Ecological Fundamentals
Week 2: Restoration Fundamentals
The online primer includes video lectures, interactive presentations on key theory, diverse case studies from around the globe, exercises and discussion forums.
Course Structure
A four-day in-person training will follow the online primer:
Day 1
• Session 1: Opening
• Session 2: Introduction to FLR and ROAM
• Session 3: Fundamentals of FLR
Day 2
• Session 4: Landscape Restoration Opportunities
• Session 5: Peer-to-peer learning and exchange
• Session 6: Costs and Benefits of FLR
Day 3
• Session 7: Field visits to see degradation and landscape restoration activities on the ground
Day 4
• Session 8: Data for ROAM
• Session 9: Bringing FLR to scale
• Wrap-up