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Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics


This online course is the first in a series of six that are being offered as part of an exciting new partnership between ELTI and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The course will provide an introduction to the concepts and techniques needed to develop and implement strategies for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in tropical regions. Participants will learn how FLR opportunities can be identified, analyzed and prioritized using the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM). They will also discuss strategies to unlock financing opportunities for FLR and to and scale up FLR activities.

The course is designed for a diverse audience, including forest management professionals, agricultural specialists, rural development experts, environmental policy-makers, mid-career environmental practitioners, extension officers, or other types of professionals from diverse institutions (government, NGO, donor agencies, private sector) involved in natural resource management, land-use decision-making, forest landscape restoration, and landscape restoration finance and investment.

Registration for this course is restricted to IUCN Members and partners directly involved in FLR.

For more information on the course, please click here.


The material is divided into thematic modules, each one lasting for one week. Each module includes video lectures, interactive presentations, weekly exercises and discussion sessions. The materials also include diverse case studies on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) from around the globe.

Thematic modules

  • Week 1: Ecology, disturbance, and regeneration potential in tropical forest landscapes
  • Week 2: The Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
  • Week 3: Socio-political and cultural aspects of FLR
  • Week 4: Effective FLR practices and strategies
  • Week 5: FLR for production purposes
  • Week 6: Scaling up and monitoring FLR

Participants can complete their assignments according to their own schedules within that week. During the course, the participants will complete exercises that guide the development of a strategic plan and approach to FLR in their own region of work. Each participant will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

This course provides participants with a unique opportunity to connect with leaders and practitioners focused on FLR. Participants will meet once a week with Yale professors, IUCN staff and Members, guest experts, and other course participants during live online discussions.