Introduction to Forest Landscape Restoration (English)
In this course, participants will explore the social, biological and political processes that shape reforestation and forest restoration in tropical regions. This course will be offered to decision makers in Africa and Asia who have been awarded a Russell E. Train Education for Nature (EFN) Reforestation Grant from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). These participants are conducting reforestation projects with the goal of restoring biodiversity and enhancing human wellbeing in degraded forest landscapes. Participation is by invitation only.
The course provides participants the opportunity to advance their knowledge through a series of presentations, discussions, readings and case studies. Over the duration of the course, weekly assignments and the final project guide the participants to develop a preliminary management plan for their WWF EFN supported reforestation sites. ELTI instructors will provide guidance and feedback on these assignments. This course also provides a space for participants to exchange experiences and expertise with ELTI facilitators and other guest speakers in weekly live sessions.
The course content is divided into six thematic modules:
- Week 1: Ecology, disturbance and regeneration potential in tropical landscapes
- Week 2: Sociocultural and political aspects of restoration
- Week 3: Effective restoration practices and strategies
- Week 4: Integration between restoration and production purposes
- Week 5: Monitoring of restoration projects
- Week 6: Preparation of restoration and reforestation projects