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Mined Land Rehabilitation: Mainstreaming Landscape Restoration in Indonesia


The province of East Kalimantan in the Indonesian portion of Borneo has experienced wide-scale environmental degradation on account of open-pit coal mining. While there are regulations that are meant to mitigate the damage associated with mining and facilitate the rehabilitation of post-mining sites, there is limited, local understanding of these regulations and related best practices. This symposium, held on March 6, 2012, in Balikpapan, is the first in a series of training events that will focus on increasing the knowledge and skills of various stakeholder groups on post-mine site rehabilitation and catalyze action to achieve more effective landscape-level restoration.


Propinsi Kalimantan Timur yang terletak di bagian Indonesia dari pulau Borneo telah mengalami degradasi lingkungan dalam skala besar akibat dari penambangan batu bara secara terbuka. Walaupun sudah ada peraturan-peraturan untuk mengatasi kerusakan yang terjadi akibat pertambangan dan memfasilitasikan rehabilitasi lahan pasca-tambang, namun terdapat keterbatasan pemahaman lokal mengenai peraturan-peraturan tersebut dan praktik terbaik yg berkaitan. Symposium yang akan diselenggarakan pada 6 Maret 2012 di Balikpapan ini adalah yang pertama dalam rangkaian pelatihan yang akan terfokus pada peningkatan pengetahuan dan keahlian dari para pihak rehabilitasi lahan pasca-tambang yang kemudian digunakan untuk kegiatan mencapai restorasi yang lebih efektif di tingkat landscape.


Opening Remarks from Organizers -  Dr. Petrus Gunarso / Tropenbos International

Welcome from the Governor - Dr. H. Awang Farouk Ishak

Welcome from Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources - Ir. Syawaludin Lubis, MT

Welcome from Ministry of Forestry - Dr. Ir. Bedjo Santoso

Keynote Adress - Dr. David Mulligan / University of Queensland

Session 1. Government regulations

  • Forestry Department Regulations on Reclamation - Ir. Mery G. Simanjuntak, MM.
  • Mining Department Regulations on Mine Reclamation and Closure - Mr. Rudy Hendarto
  • Environmental Department Regulations on Criteria and Indicators - Ir. Antung Deddy, M.Si.
  • Open Forum - Moderator: Dr. Chandra Boer / Mulyawarman University

Session 2. Company Best Practices

  • PT Kaltim Prima Coal - Mr. Chandra Nugraha
  • PT Berau Coal - Mr. Muhammad Masyhuri
  • PT UNITEX Borneo - Mr. Rofinus Ligo
  • PT Akar Bumi Langit - Mr. Buhiran
  • Open Forum - Moderator: Dr. Bambang Hero Saharjo / Bogor Agricultural University

Session 3. Promoting Better Policy & Practice

  • Tropenbos International-Indonesia Programme - Dr. Petrus Gunarso
  • Kaltim Green - Prof. Daddy Ruhiyat
  • Dinas Pertambangan Kaltim - Drs. H. Amrullah, MM
  • Jaringan Advokasi Tambang Kaltim - Mr. Kahar Al Bahri
  • Open Forum - Moderator: Dr. Yadi Setiadi / Bogor Agricultural Universit

Closing Remarks - Dr. Petrus Gunarso / Tropenbos International