REDD+ in Panama: Where Are We and Where Are We Heading?
REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation ‘Plus’) is a strategy to mitigate climate change that aims to provide financial compensation for countries to avoid the loss and degradation of forests under threat of conversion to other land uses. REDD+ has generated considerable international interest since it has the potential to reduce up to 20% of global emissions of carbon dioxide, as well as generate an important source of resources to conserve tropical forests and their environmental services, and reduce rural poverty. However, the mechanism has been the focus of ongoing debate, sometimes controversial and contentious, given its complex technical, political, social and economic dimensions.
Internationally, Panama has played an important role in the design of the mechanism and currently it is preparing for three major activities related to REDD+. In line with this process and acknowledging the actions that Panama will be taking and leading in the coming months in relation to REDD+, STRI’s Packard Project and ELTI have accepted a request by ANAM to develop a workshop for its officials and representatives of other relevant government bodies. The workshop is to update and enhance the level of knowledge of the participants on the progress and current status of REDD+ in Panama and internationally.
Opening Remarks: Licda. Lucia Chandeck / National Environmental Authority of Panama (ANAM)
The Global Climate Change Regime and REDD+
Catherine Potvin / McGill University & Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
REDD+ in Panama: Evolution, Status, and Vision
Eric Rodríguez / National Environmental Authority of Panama (ANAM)
UN-REDD Programme: Progress in Panama and Vision
Alexis Baules / UN-REDD
REDD+ in the World
Ken Andrasko / FCPF - World Bank
Group Work
Causes and solutions to deforestation and degradation in protected areas
Causes and solutions to deforestation and degradation in indigenous territories
Causes and solutions to deforestation and degradation on private lands
How to promote intersectoral collaboration for REDD +
How to involve local and indigenous communities in the MRV
Pilot project development
Sharing Group Results with the Audience
Closing remarks
Eric Rodríguez / National Environmental Authority of Panama (ANAM)