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REDD+ for the Philippine National Commission on Indigenous Peoples - Quezon City, Philippines


The creation of new markets in forest carbon credits has lead to the establishment of a number of private sector carbon companies, whose representatives are travelling through the tropical regions of the world trying to set up forest carbon projects. Pejoratively known as “carbon cowboys”, some of these individuals have taken advantage of weak government oversight and local people’s limited understanding about REDD+ to gain control over carbon rights. To avoid this problem, two seminar-workshops were held to help NCIP field staff begin familiarizing themselves with forest carbon projects and to investigate the implications of this new business activity for current administrative safeguards.


Day 1

Opening Program

Rationale & Overview of the REDD+ Orientation-Seminar

Film Showing
REDD & Climate Change from “Imugan Experience", Kalangoya-Ikalahan of Nueva Vizcaya

Climate Change Science and the Role of Forests in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Dr. Florencia Pulhin / ICRAF

Forest Carbon Project Cycle, Carbon Markets, and Standards
David Neidel / ELTI

Case Presentation: Conservation International’s Forest Carbon Project
Ms. Estrella Pasion / CI-Philippines

Open Forum

Film Showing: REDD from Both Sides
Brazil-The Money Tree  /  Community Forestry REDD in Cambodia

REDD/REDD+, IPs and local communities
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz / Tebtebba

Open Forum

REDD Project Process & NCIP’s Role
Neil Aldrin Mallari

Case Work 1
What's the role of NCIP in the context of carbon project negotiation viz. FPIC process?

Day 2

Recap of the previous day & presentation of the Case Work 1 results

Case Work 2:
Simulated case work of an actual carbon project proposal (by region)

Case Work 2 results presentation
Peer Group Critique & Response from Panel of Reactors (NCIP & CoDe REDD)

NCIP’s Forward Actions
Presentation of draft En Banc Resolutios / Response from NCIP Chairman

Closing Remarks/Messages