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Silvopastoral Systems Practicum for Producers from Los Santos


Cattle ranching is an important economic activity in many regions of Panama. As traditionally practiced, however, it can have very detrimental impacts on the soils and other components of the natural capital. Silvopastoral systems (SPS) ―the combination of trees, pastures and cattle in the same land unit― are an alternative, offering the long-term benefits of tree planting and the short-term economic benefits of cattle ranching. Therefore, the adoption of SPS can contribute to make cattle ranching more sustainable and less detrimental for the environment. This practicum took a group of producers from the region of Pedasí who are interested in planting native trees, to visit farms in the provinces of Los Santos and Chiriquí where SPS have already been established. Participants had a chance to learn some more about the experience of others who are already integrating native tees into their cattle ranching systems, and hopefully be inspired to follow.



  • Meeting in Pedasí
  • Presentation on general aspects of SPS - CIPAV
  • Visit to Asentamiento Campesino Primero de Mayo, Guararé
  • Intensive SPS with leucaena and enhanced pastures
  • Use of electrical fence
  • Strengthening of organizations
  • Visit to Mr. Facundo García's farm, San Lorenzo distric, Cerrillo community
  • Natural regeneration
  • SPS with disperse trees in pastures and selective pruning
  • Making water potable for human consumption using the slow sand filter
  • SPS with botón de oro and enhanced pastures in difficult soils


  • Presentation on the Technical Assistance for Integrated Management of Cattle Farms in Chiriquí Province Project (CONADES)- CIPAV
  • Visit to Mr. Mair Aquiles Pittí's farm, Dolega disctrict, El Banco community
  • SPS with botón de oro with enhanced pastures and trees disperesed in pastures
  • SPS with botón de oro with enhanced pastures within a commercial orange plantation
  • Panela production
  • Visit to Mr. Eduardo González's farm, Dolega disctrict, Balita community
  • Intensie SPS with leucaena, guinea mombasa pasture, estrella pasture and maní forrajero
  • Visit to Mr. Jaime Batista's farm, Bugaba disctrict, La Estrella community
  • SPS with botón de oro with enhanced pastures and native ground leguminose
  • Live fecnes, electrical fences, supplementation with fodder banks, management of productive and reproductive registries  for dairy production


  • Visit to Mr. Erasmo Santos's farm, Remedios district, El María community
  • SSP with botón de oro ina a region of acidic soils
  • Construction of a low cost galera (stable) with farm materials
  • Electrical fence with solar panels
  • Discusión final y revisión de los temas tratados - CIPAV
  • End of the practicum