VI Workshop on REDD for Panamanian Indigenous Leaders
Within the social realm of REDD discussions, the role and rights of indigenous and tribal peoples that depend on tropical forests has been at the forefront as a result of concerns over potential human rights abuses and livelihoods risks. As a result, social safeguards are now being considered and debated in UNFCCC, and other forums, as part of a future REDD agreement. This sixth workshop, convened by COONAPIP in collaboration with ELTI, McGill, OJEWP and Dobbo Yala, aims to stimulate discussions about social safeguards for REDD among Panama’s indigenous leaders, as well as enhance their ability to participate in ongoing debates.
During the two-day workshop, 30 indigenous leaders and members of their technical teams learned about safeguards, including the evolution and current state of discussions on the topic, and receive training on negotiation skills. They then took part in a mock UNFCCC negotiation regarding social safeguards for REDD, in which the indigenous leaders played the role of the “Indigenous Caucus”, representing the interests of indigenous groups throughout the world, not just Panama. McGill master and doctoral students represented signatory countries to the convention. Participants used the actual texts of the draft decision on REDD that members of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) of the UNFCCC debated in Bonn, Germany from August 2-6/2010. Through training and role playing, the organizers of the workshop aimed to enhance the capacity of Panama’s indigenous communities to actively participate in debates regarding REDD and social safeguards.
Social Safeguards for REDD+ (training and group discussion)
Onel Masardule
Creation of the mock “Indigenous Caucus”, distribution of roles, and definition of position regarding REDD+
Estebancio Castro
Mock UNFCCC negotiation on REDD+ texts