Webinar 3: Building on FLR Gains from the Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management project
This is the third webinar in our series: Restoring Forests & Landscapes: Consolidating Gains & Accelerating Progress in the Philippines.
The presentations in this webinar will focus on the role of big investments and large-scale collaborations in forest and landscape restoration (FLR) initiatives. Specifically, they will highlight:
- the role of international donors to support transformational changes through restoration programs;
- the key steps to transform local communities from project beneficiaries into restoration partners;
- the role of science and research in developing learning sites of FLR interventions; and
- major points to attract private sector funding for FLR initiatives in the Philippines.
Aside from formal speakers, representatives from people's organizations and local government units will discuss their current FLR initiatives, the benefits they've seen so far and the challenges they need to overcome, and the support they need.
Click here for more information about the series and to register.
- Opening
- Keynote address: Dr. Takeshi Ueda, Principal Natural Resources and Agriculture Economist, Asian Development Bank
- Mr. Percival Cardona, DENR-INREM
- Dr. Rodel Lasco, World Agroforestry Philippines
- Ms. Elizabeth Joy Arceo, SN Aboitiz Power Group
- Q&A session
- Webinar summary