Information Session: Participant perspectives and projects (ELTI Certificate Program)
Join us for a virtual information session February 16, 1pm EST about ELTI's online certificate program, Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use.
What is the program like? What do participants do in a typical week? What is the Capstone project? What are the program benefits? Get all of these questions and more answered in our upcoming information session. Meet a panel of past and current participants who will share their experiences in the program and with the Capstone project.
Participant Panelists:
Cecilia Alcoreza Lora, Manager, Corporate Engagement, South-West Amazon Landscape Lead, World Wildlife Fund-US
- Program alumna (2021-2022)
- Capstone project: Santa Maria do Doce River Basin forest landscape restoration for people and nature, Espiritu Santo State, Brazil
Rudolf Makhanu, Project Coordinator, The Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, Nature Kenya - the East Africa Natural History Society, Nairobi
- Program participant (2022-2023)
- Capstone project: Enhancing wise use of Tana River Delta for sustained ecological integrity to contribute to improved livelihoods and economic prosperity, for current and future generations, Kenya
Celine Salcedo-La Viña, Senior Associate, Land and Resource Rights Initiative, Center for Equitable Development, World Resources Institute
- Program alumna (2021-2022)
- Capstone project: Restoration of the Andes-Amazon in Peru for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and resilient communities