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ELTI’s Indonesia Program, in collaboration with the Indonesian Research & Development Institute for Natural Resource Conservation Technology (BALITEK-KSDA), published an article in the 2021, Vol X, No.1, issue of Suara Samboja (pp. 27–32), entitled, “Menyuling wangi, mendulang harapan (in English: Distilling fragrance, gaining hope).“ The article, written in Indonesian, discusses the potential for harvesting leaves from the Melaleuca cajuputi tree and distilling the essential oils, which are often used for medicinal purposes. ELTI has been working with BALITEK-KSDA and other partners in East Kalimantan to strengthen ecotourism and non-timber forest products as alternative livelihood strategies in support of forest restoration for the endemic proboscis monkey.
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ELTI and the Indonesian Research & Development Institute for Natural Resource Conservation Technology
Date of publication
Monday, November 1, 2021