Resource Description
A Neotropics Training Program field course report describing a course entitled Tropical Forest Restoration Strategies, held June 2-8, 2016 at ELTI's Focal Training Sites: Azuero (Province of Los Santos, Panama) and Agua Salud Project (Province of Colon, Panama).
The field-based course was organized by: ELTI, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and the World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN).
The course was offered in Spanish to decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean whom had been awarded a WWF EFN Reforestation Grant, which they will be implementing in their individual communities with the goal of regaining ecological integrity and enhancing human wellbeing in deforested or degraded forest landscapes.
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Date of publication
Wednesday, June 8, 2016