Where We Work
The primary focus of ELTI's work is in two regions: the Neotropics (Central and South America) and Tropical Asia (South and Southeast Asia).
Within these regions, ELTI trains landholders, practitioners, and decision makers working in places where:
- Conservation or restoration actions are needed in human-dominated landscapes
- In-country partnerships and training needs are identified
- Opportunities exist for alumni of ELTI training events to apply what they learned via our Leadership Program.
Our field-based training events currently take place in the following countries in the Neotropics:
- Brazil
- Panama
And in tropical Asia:
- Indonesia
Focal Training Sites
Within these five primary countries, ELTI is working with partners to establish a network of focal training sites that will enable ELTI to address key training themes within a specific site - or a network of nearby sites - for a range of audiences. The focal sites are located in areas where Yale and local partners have a history of conducting research and developing applied projects that can feed into the training courses.
The focal sites will include:
- Curricula on ELTI’s core themes for different audiences
- Corresponding trail systems that highlight different components of the curricula
- Field exercises for participants to practice different lessons in the course
- Nearby field-based case studies with local landholders
- A range of course materials, including field guides and course manuals
Other Locations
Historically, our Field Training courses have taken place in additional countries in the Neotropics and Asia, including Colombia, Honduras, Peru, Thailand, and Philippines. Our Online Training Program includes participants from a range of countries in the Neotropics and Asia. We have also organized conferences and symposia in other countries, including Argentina, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Australia.
We continue to evaluate new locations where we may expand and have an even greater global impact.