Resource Description
This book consists of a collection of articles about the social dimensions of ecological restoration, which were presented during the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Ecological Restoration’s (known by its Spanish acronym as SIACRE) IV Iberoamerican and Caribbean Congress of Ecological Restoration, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2015. Two of the chapters were authored by ELTI personnel and collaborators, which illustrate ELTI’s efforts in forest restoration capacity building.Chapter 18 by Jacob L. Slusser and Saskia Santamaría: Strengthening the capacities of small farmers to implement sustainable ranching: the experience of the Association of Livestock and Agrosilvopastoral Producers of Pedasi (APASPE). Chapter 21 by Zoraida Calle, Gillian Sarah Bloomfield, Saskia Santamaría, Pedro Brancalion, Severino Ribeiro Pinto, Gabriela González, Marina Campos, Eva Garen, Jacob L. Slusser, Carlos Estrada: Capacity building experiences for ecological restoration in Latin America.
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Date of publication
Tuesday, September 5, 2017