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We are honored when ELTI's work is shared in local and international channels. We also enjoy sharing exciting news about ELTI's programs.

January 30, 2020 | CANOPY by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

ELTI’s new online certificate program, “Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration, & Sustainable Use”, was featured in the fall 2019 edition of Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies’ CANOPY magazine. The article highlights the capacity of the online certificate program to achieve impact by supporting participants to apply their new knowledge on the ground. In its first year, the online certificate program enrolled a global group of 43 people from 29 countries. Trainees praise the course’s content as well as the possibility of interacting with other participants who work to promote conservation and restoration around the world.

Click here to read article (page 13, "A Campus for the 21st Century: Online Programs Open Yale Expertise to the World").

October 27, 2019 | Visayas State University

ELTI and Visayas State University are celebrating their longstanding partnership in the Philippines. Since 2009, ELTI has partnered with the university’s Institute of Tropical Ecology and Environmental Management (ITEEM) with the shared mission of empowering local communities to design and implement sustainable land-use practices, and to conserve and restore tropical forests and native tree cover in human-dominated landscapes.

One of the key approaches used by ITEEM and ELTI is Rainforestation Farming. This agroforestry approach aims to restore ecosystem functions and services by harnessing the power of native species, local communities, and partner organizations to rehabilitate degraded landscapes. By providing more than 25 field trainings and reaching over 700 individuals, ELTI and ITEEM have demonstrated the potential of Rainforestation to address ongoing environmental challenges and to strengthen community resiliency in the Philippines. In light of the ten-year anniversary, ELTI will continue to conduct field trainings and hopes to conduct a nationwide survey of all ELTI alumni in the Philippines.

October 11, 2019 | The Sustainability Agenda

ELTI Director Dr. Eva Garen was featured on The Sustainability Agenda podcast to discuss ELTI’s work in Latin America and Southeast Asia. The Sustainability Agenda explores innovative approaches to sustainability around the world. Dr. Garen shared ELTI’s approach to capacity development and restoration, with insights from her 25+ years working on the social aspects of conservation and development in the tropics.

October 10, 2019 | ELTI

The ELTI Indonesia program in partnership with the Research Institute for Natural Resources Conservation Technology (Balitek KSDA) developed a leaflet to encourage ecotourism in the riparian forest of Sungai Hitam in Samboja, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The riparian forest of the Sungai Hitam River provides critical habitat for the endangered Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) but is threatened by the fact that the region is not part of a protected area. Currently, the riparian zone is fragmented by other land uses including plantations, agriculture, livestock, mining and municipal waste management. To address these habitat issues, tours in which visitors can watch monkeys and birds from the comfort of a boat will be offered, and funding for habitat restoration and protection will increase. In addition to increasing funding for the conservation of habitats of the Proboscis monkey, ecotourism is an important opportunity to gain local support to protect this important species, restore their habitat and enhance community livelihoods.


September 1, 2019 | ELTI

Water shortages in Panama’s La Villa River watershed are becoming a problem for both farmers and cities in the Azuero Peninsula. With over 78% of the watershed deforested due mostly to conventional agriculture and ranching practices, more sustainable land-management activities are needed.

With support from the Conservation, Food & Health Foundation, ELTI will train and support farmers and extension agents within the La Villa River watershed to become environmental leaders. ELTI was selected from a pool of 300 applicants to apply our training-of-trainers model, which offers experiential learning opportunities for farmers to learn from ELTI and local experts about land management practices at ELTI’s Panama Azuero training landscape. ELTI will provide follow-up training to help farmers establish and manage model farms, as well as learn how to share their knowledge and experience. By demonstrating and communicating results to others, this group of environmental leaders will help to replicate more sustainable farming throughout the region.

La Villa River, Panama

July 27, 2019 | Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

The work of ELTI teams and partners across the tropics received special attention in an article by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies this month. The article stressed that humanity is facing a crucial moment for tropical forests and that ELTI is supporting leaders to “restore and protect these threatened landscapes, providing them with the access to information and the tools to achieve more sustainable practices.”

A mini-documentary included in the article featured the on-the-ground results that ELTI alumni are achieving in Panama and the Philippines. ELTI also shared a vision for where the initiative is going next, “to support our alumni with project incubation, open-access information, networks and leadership development. It’s their time to shine and become global restoration leaders.”

July 19, 2019 | BBC

And this is the podcast episode "Reinventing the Ranch," in case you missed it.

July 18, 2019 | BBC

Cattle farming is responsible for almost 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. Silvopastures offer a solution with multiple environmental benefits. In a BBC short video and podcast, ELTI alumni Sandra Carbonell (farm owner) and Carlos Mejía (sustainable ranching specialist), explain how cows that eat bushes and graze in woodland grow faster and produce less methane than cows in open pastures.

The video “How a new diet for gassy cows is helping the environment,” produced by Daniel Gordon for BBC World Service, shows the striking contrast between Sandra’s silvopastoral farm and a degraded conventional cattle ranch.

The episode “Reinventing the ranch,” aired on May 21, 2019, focuses on a project that is helping Colombian cattle farmers completely remodel their land to fight climate change. This podcast, called People Fixing the World, features brilliant solutions to global problems.

ELTI has offered a variety of training events for the technical team and several cattle ranchers involved in the Colombian Sustainable Cattle Ranching project, between 2011 and 2019.

July 10, 2019 | Restoration Ecology - The Journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration

An article of the journal Restoration Ecology cited ELTI’s capacity development model on how it provides “restoration strategies compatible with local ecological and social realities.” The authors underscored the need for training on skills and disciplines associated with restoration that go beyond only ecological dimensions. The article is available at Wiley Online Library, and a news piece about it was published at CIFOR's Forests News.

Meli, P.; Schweizer, D.; Brancalion, P.H.S.; Murcia, C.; Guariguata, M.R. Multidimensional training among Latin America’s restoration professionals. Restor. Ecol. 2019, 27.

June 30, 2019 | ELTI

The ELTI Restoration Boot Camp for Tropical Asian Forests brought together a wide range of committed practitioners to learn about managing Asian forest landscapes. After an engaging 6-week online course, participants met in Leyte, the Philippines, for a week of hands-on activities in the field. Amid the scenic tropical island, participants learned about nursery management, wildling collection and ways to collaborate with local communities. Check out a few pictures from the Philippines!

March 31, 2019 | Blue Forests

The habitat of this important primate species is isolated in a landscape dominated by human activity. Plantation, agriculture, livestock, mining and waste management companies occupy large part of the surrounding areas and put pressure on the Proboscis monkey habitats.

ELTI invited Blue Forests to assess this situation and study opportunities to conserve the Proboscis habitats. The main goal was to identify strategies to develop the capacity of communities in the Sungai Hitam and increase public knowledge around the importance of mangrove forests as ecosystems that are useful to humans and to the Proboscis monkey.

This video in Indonesian describes the Blue Forest report and assessment of Sungai Hitam Mangrove Forest.

March 26, 2019 | Evi Indraswati

In 2016, ELTI alumna Evi Indraswati participated in an ELTI online course on forest restoration. She says, "At that time everyone felt that they were lacking a complete understanding of the forest restoration process. The knowledge about forest restoration that I gained through the course increased our team’s certainty about our ability to restore the forest of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park.” 

After the ELTI course, Evi published a book on her experiences restoring the forest in the park. Click here to view the full text.


Cover of Eva Indraswati's book

February 11, 2019 | ELTI, YSE

Learn more about our new online certificate program "Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use" from Dr. Indy Burke (YSE dean), Dr. Eva Garen (ELTI director) and Gillian Bloomfield (program coordinator and mentor). This unique interdisciplinary program can help you enhance your knowledge and skills to manage tropical forest landscapes successfully.

December 21, 2018 | ELTI

ELTI is proud to announce the launch of a new online certificate program, in collaboration with the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, entitled: Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use.

This comprehensive and interdisciplinary program is designed for professionals working to address the complex social, ecological and funding aspects of managing tropical forest landscapes. The yearlong program consists of four eight-week online courses, a capstone project and an optional field course in Latin America or Asia. Participants will learn from Yale faculty, ELTI team members and a network of international partners.

Applications open January 7, 2019. See more details on our website:

Please sign up for our mailing list to receive important program updates.

December 18, 2018 | Visayas State University

ELTI partners at Visayas State University (VSU) received the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award for their contribution to forest restoration and the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. The award was presented on September 27 at Malacañan Palace in Manila for VSU's efforts in Rainforestation as a strategy for watershed restoration. Rainforestation is a community-based approach to native species restoration. 

November 7, 2018 | Global Environment Facility

In 2016-17, ELTI partnered with the APASPE farmer's association in Panama to lead a series of workshops entitled, "Ecological Restoration Strategies for Cattle Ranching Landscapes of the Azuero." These workshops offered strategies to cattle ranchers to restore forest cover on their farms as a means to improve ecosystem services and increase productivity. ELTI's partnership with APASPE strengthened the capacity and leadership of local landowners and empowered them to become agents of change in restoring cattle ranching landscapes of the dry tropical forest.

Read more about our work with APASPE and the use of silvopastoral systems in a story written by the Global Environment Facility.

November 1, 2018 | Semeando Água Project

A new field course offered farmers in Brazil a chance to learn how to farm and protect ecosystem services at the same time. Sustainable farming is much needed in the Cantareira watershed system, which supplies water to 7.6 million people living in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil. Míriam Perilli, ELTI Brazil coordinator, reminded us that the actions of farmers in their own properties in the Cantareira system have the potential to contribute with society.

To learn more about the field course and the ELTI/ESCAS-IPÊ partnership, click here to read the full article.

October 1, 2018 | ELTI

Agroecological restoration is an active dialogue that builds on the principles and values of agroecology and ecological restoration to promote healthy food production in revitalized landscapes. This transdisciplinary effort seeks to transform farms and agricultural landscapes for the well-being of rural and urban communities in a renewed relationship with nature.

The IV International Course on Agroecological Restoration: Resilience to Climate Change took place on July 23-27, 2018, at El Hatico Nature Reserve and the smallholder community of Bellavista (Valle del Cauca, Colombia). Food was a fundamental part of the curriculum. Each meal served throughout the field course was designed to celebrate ethical food production in rural communities. All ingredients were locally grown, sustainably produced, and in some cases, organic. ELTI alumni from previous Agroecology & Restoration courses (and one trainer) provided fruits, vegetables, wheat, cheese, yogurt, beans and fish from their farms. Meat and milk came from El Hatico’s amazing silvopastoral systems. Other products were purchased directly from farmers.

Delicious meals that give meaning to the term agrobiodiversity shared with friends in an open dining room have proved to be the right complement to the lectures and field exercises of our Agroecological Restoration course.

September 30, 2018 | ELTI

ELTI and PARTNERS hosted a webinar series, Reforestation and Climate Change, between March and May of 2018. Speakers and attendees from around the world came together to address the intersection between reforestation and restoration in the tropics with global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Click on the header to access the recordings of the webinars.

September 26, 2018 | The Philippine Daily Inquirer

A rare, blue-winged pitta (P. moluccensis) was seen for the first time in 111 years in Liptong Woodland, a forest restored in 2006 by ELTI alumnus Rene Vendiola on the island of Negros in the Philippines.

September 26, 2018 | IUCN

ELTI and IUCN started a partnership in 2016 to develop capacity on forest landscape restoration and the Restoration Operations Assessment Methodology (ROAM). Together, we have trained over 290 leaders working in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Read more on our work with IUCN in the August issue of Arborvitae.

September 10, 2018 | IPÊ

ELTI and IPÊ – Institute for Ecological Research launched a field course for residents of agrarian reform settlements in the Pontal do Paranapanema, Brazil. In September 2018, we trained 20 small-scale farmers aged 15-69 years old who want to adopt sustainable practices to conserve biodiversity and increase productivity of their properties.

July 17, 2018 | Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

ELTI is featured in the spring issue of Canopy, the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies' alumni magazine. See page 29 to read about the ELTI-led student field trip to Panama as part of a seminar on tropical forest restoration.

June 29, 2018 | ATBC 2018

Dr. Arbainsyah ("Insya") will be attending the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 1-5, 2018. He has been accepted to give a presentation entitled, "Capacity-building to promote coal mine site rehabilitation in Kalimantan (Indonesian-Borneo)." His presentation will occur on Wednesday, July 4, as part of a series of talks on Seeding Resilient Forest Landscape Restoration and Its Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals.

June 27, 2018 | Mongabay

ELTI Fellow, Elham Shabahat, reports on how climate change is reshaping relations between parks, people and the mountain gorillas of Rwanda.

June 20, 2018 | The Washington Post

A photo of an intensive silvopastoral system in Colombia from ELTI’s Colombia Coordinator and partner organization (Zoraida Calle; CIPAV - Colombia’s Center for Research on Sustainable Agriculture Production Systems) was featured in The Washington Post article highlighting the potential of silvopastoral systems for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

CIPAV designs, evaluates and promotes intensive silvopastoral systems that are able to boost per-hectare milk and meat production, while sequestering carbon and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services. Silvopastoral systems can be used to rehabilitate lands degraded by extensive ranching and agriculture. At the same time, their efficiency allows farmers to release fragile and marginal lands for ecological restoration.

March 14, 2018 | ELTI

We cordially invite you to attend a three-part webinar series entitled, "Tropical Reforestation and Climate Change." The series is free of charge and is offered in partnership between the People and Reforestation in the Tropics Research Coordination Network (PARTNERS), ELTI and international guest speakers.

Webinar #1: Reforestation and Forestry in the Tropics as Climate Change Mitigation Solutions

Webinar #2: Reforestation as Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation Solutions

Webinar #3: The Social Aspects of Reforestation for Climate Change: Where, When and How?

Each 1.5 hour webinar will feature three speakers and a guided Q&A session from 10:00-11:30 am EDT (GMT-4).

Webinar #1 will take place March 29; 10:00-11:30am EST

Click here to register.

February 26, 2018 | Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies recently published an article highlighting ELTI and IUCN’s partnership to deliver online training on forest landscape restoration for 125 professionals from 32 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The article highlights the history and ongoing partnership between IUCN and ELTI, discusses the collaborative way in which ELTI’s online course approach was blended with IUCN’s Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), and presents outcomes realized by participants as a result of the course series. Read the full article here.

February 20, 2018 | IUCN

ELTI partnered with IUCN-NEPAD to offer a blended training course to 30 government officials in Niamey, Niger. The course consisted of a two-week online primer on social, ecological and restoration fundamentals, followed by a four-day in-person training. Participants learned from interactive presentations on key theory, diverse case studies from around the globe, and conversations with their peers. The training supports the government of Niger in implementing its national and sub-national sustainability efforts, as well as working towards the AFR100 and Bonn Challenge goals.

February 5, 2018 | Yale Daily News

At the 2018 International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) conference held at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, two members of the ELTI team and one ELTI alumna gave featured talks. Dr. Eva Garen (ELTI director) and Zoraida Calle (ELTI Colombia Coordinator) participated in a plenary panel that addressed scale in socio-ecological complexity. Joining them was Mirjam Kuzee of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Their presentation offered diverse perspectives on enhancing the capacity of restoration practitioners worldwide.

ELTI alumna Denise Matias, from the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn, attended the ISTF conference. Loreta Alsa, a member of the Tagbanua community in the Philippines, joined her to present their research on the traditional practice of honey-hunting in the Tagbanua community. Together, they won the 2018 Innovation Prize and received $3,000 to continue their research.

Read more about the 2018 ISTF conference and ELTI's involvement in the Yale Daily News.