We are honored when ELTI's work is shared in local and international channels. We also enjoy sharing exciting news about ELTI's programs.
February 21, 2014 | Rappler
Two years into a Partnership Agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Civil Society Organizations gathered and discussed their concerns about the National Greening Program (NGP) being too focused on meeting targets "at all costs regardless of the consequences", but missing the real objectives of the program. (Article in English)
February 18, 2014 | Ministry of Forestry's FORDA Website
Visit by the Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative, Yale-NUS College, and National University of Singapore to Balitek-KSDA Samboja. (Article in Indonesian)
Kunjungan Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative, Yale-NUS College, dan National University of Singapore ke Balitek-KSDA Samboja.
February 1, 2014 | Panao Newsletter
ELTI, together with the Forest Restoration Research Unit of Chiang Mai University (FORRU-CMU) and Pampanga Agricultural College, held a 3-day field-based National Forest Restoration Research Training to increase capacity in native species reforestation by encouraging more systematic research on restoration-related issues, such as species selection, choosing an appropriate restoration strategy, and the ecology and propagation of native species. (Article in English)
May 27, 2013 | Visayas State University Website
With the encouragement of ELTI, lecturers from NUS Bachelor of Environmental Studies Program visits VSU as a possible site for their field program. (Article in English)
December 1, 2012 | Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability
Short piece explaining the different approaches used in southeast Asia to reforest and restore forests. (Article in English)
October 1, 2012 | Sri Lanka Daily News
This article from the Sri Lanka Daily News announces the ELTI Conference on Restoring Forests in Human Dominated Landscapes of the Wet Evergreen Region, South Asia. (Article in English)
September 25, 2012 | Tribun Kaltim
ELTI Holds Mine Rehabilitation Training in Balikpapan. (Article in Indonesian)
ELTI Gelar Pelatihan Rehabilitasi Lahan Tambang Batu Bara di Balikpapan.
September 25, 2012 | Tribun Kaltim
Ex-Mining Land in East Kalimantan is Toxic. (Article in Indonesian)
Tanah Eks Tambang di Kaltim Beracun.
September 25, 2012 | Tribun Kaltim
A lot of Ex-Mining Land in East Kalimantan is Toxic. (Article in Indonesian)
Banyak Lahan Tambang di Kaltim yang Beracun.
July 12, 2012 | Sri Lanka Daily News
Article about the ELTI Conference on Restoring Forests in Human Dominated Landscapes of the Wet Evergreen Region, South Asia. (Article in English)
May 23, 2012 | Ciudad del Saber
Note on the recent ELTI Conference held at the City of Knowledge, in Panama City. (Article available in English and Spanish)
May 11, 2012 | STRI Newsletter
Article about the most recent ELTI event in Panama.
To read the note, download the May 11, 2012 issue from the link below and go to Page 2. (Article in English)
March 30, 2012 | STRI Newsletter
This article highlights the upcoming ELTI Conference in Panama, Industrial Resource Extraction and Infrastructure Development in Tropical Forests.
To read the note, download the March 30, 2012 issue from the link below and go to Page 2. (Article in English)
March 24, 2012 | Cebu Daily News
This article highlights ELTI alum Rene Vendiola, winner of the 5th Triennial Award of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc (RAFI), for his work in Rainforestation. (Article in English)
March 7, 2012 | Tribun News
Governor Recommends Requests Authority to Act against Mining Companies. (Article in Indonesian)
Gubernur Kaltim Minta Otoritas Menindak Perusahan Tambang.
March 6, 2012 | East Kalimantan Governor's Website
Governor Recommends Having Authority to Give Sanctions. (Article in Indonesian)
Gubernur Diusulkan Punya Kewenangan Beri Sanksi.
March 1, 2012 | Tribun News
Australian Mine Reclamation Expert Attends in Balikpapan. (Article in Indonesian)
Pakar Reklamasi Tambang Australia Hadir di Balikpapan.
February 1, 2012 | Pesquisa FEPESP
This article describes the benefits of silvopastoral systems for productive landscapes, as observed by Brazilian researchers during an ELTI course conducted in Colombia in 2011. (Article available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese)
January 27, 2012 | La Prensa
Brief note reporting on native tree planting efforts as part of a project supported by ELTI's Leadership Program in Pedasí. (Article in Spanish)
January 1, 2012 | Not by Timber Alone
The Rain Forest Restoration Initiative (RFRI) is a network of organizations and individuals from the academe, non-profit and private sector engaged in environmental conservation advocacy, policy influencing, training & capacity building, project implementation, and research & development. ELTI is an active member of RFRI, helping advance native species reforestation (Rainforestation) through trainings and capacity building programs. (Article in English)
October 17, 2011 | STRI Website
Short article about STRI's and ELTI's side-event at the UNFCCC meeting on Oct 5th in Panama. (Article in English)
October 14, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
This article describes STRI's and ELTI's involvement in the intersessional meeting in Panama. (Article in English)
September 13, 2011 |
This short article followed the ELTI Conference Restoring Forests for Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services, held in Indonesia on September 12-13, 2011. (Article in Indonesian)
September 12, 2011 | Pikiran Rakyat Online
This short article followed the ELTI Conference Restoring Forests for Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services, held in Indonesia on September 12-13, 2011. (Article in Indonesian)
August 12, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
Short article on a recent effort to prepare Panama's indigenous leaders for upcoming UNFCCC talks.
To read the note, download the August 12, 2011 issue from the link below and go to Page 3. (Article in English)
July 1, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
This article describes the recent meeting of the Consultative Council on Conflict Resolution and REDD+ in Panama.
To read the note, download the July 1, 2011 issue from the link below and go to Page 3. (Article in English)
June 10, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
This article highlights three recent ELTI events on native species reforestation conducted in Asia and the Neotropics.
To read the note, download the June 10, 2011 issue from the link below and go to Page 3. (Article in English)
May 13, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
Brief note about a recent workshop that makes part of STRI's Packard Project.
To read the note, download the May 13, 2011 issue from the link below and go to Page 2. (Article in English)
April 16, 2011 | La Prensa
In this article Tamara del Moral explains REDD+ in simple terms, and summarizes some of the ideas presented during the 2011 ELTI/PRORENA Conference, REDD+: Technical, Socio-Economic, and Political Dimensions. (Article in Spanish)
April 15, 2011 | STRI Newsletter
This article describes the two-day conference organized by ELTI and PRORENA on the topic of REDD+ and its multiple dimensions, an issue of great relevance to Panama and the region.
To read the note, download the April 15, 2011 issue from the link below and go to Page 2. (Article in English).