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We are honored when ELTI's work is shared in local and international channels. We also enjoy sharing exciting news about ELTI's programs.

November 21, 2016 | Biotropica

Gillian Bloomfield, ELTI Online Training Program Coordinator, collaborated with colleagues from the network People and Reforestation in the Tropics: a Network for Education, Research and Synthesis (PARTNERS - to publish an article entitled "Stakeholders and tropical reforestation: challenges, trade-offs, and strategies in dynamic environments".

Lazos-Chavero, E., Zinda, J., Bennett-Curry, A., Balvanera, P., Bloomfield, G., Lindell, C. and Negra, C. (2016), Stakeholders and tropical reforestation: challenges, trade-offs, and strategies in dynamic environments. Biotropica, 48: 900–914. doi:10.1111/btp.12391

This article was published in the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Biotropica, in a Special Issue exploring "Natural regeneration in the context of large-scale forest and landscape restoration in the tropics" by guest editors Robin Chazdon and Maria Uriarte

November 18, 2016 | El Salvador Cacao Alliance (website)

Jacob L. Slusser, Panama Coordinator for the Neotropics Training Program, was invited by ELTI Alumni Frank Cardoza (Agroecology and Forest Restoration Course – Colombia, July 2016) to present on ELTI’s native tree species nursery guide, at an event entitled, “Capacity building workshop for the establishment of nurseries with native tree species adapted to agroecological farm conditions.” The course was facilitated by the Cacao Alliance of El Salvador, El Salvador Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), with the objective to strengthen the capacities of both producers and ministry officials on the establishment of native tree species nurseries to produce trees to be used in the Cacao Alliance project regions. ELTI also donated thirty (30) copies of the native species nursery guide to be distributed to course participants.

November 2, 2016 | ELTI Staff News

ELTI Staff Members: Dr. Eva Garen (Director), Jacob L. Slusser (Panama Coordinator for the Neotropics Training Program), Gillian Sarah Bloomfield (On-Line Training Program Coordinator), and Saskia Santamaría (Neotropics Training Program Assistant) collaborated with Latin American colleagues to write a book about the social dimensions of ecological restoration. The book, entitled, Beyond Restoration Ecology: Social Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean, illustrates research presented during the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Ecological Restoration’s (known by its Spanish acronym as SIACRE), IV Iberoamerican and Caribbean Congress of Ecological Restoration, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2015. Staff members composed two chapters, which illustrate ELTI’s forest restoration capacity building efforts in the region:

Chapter 18: Strengthening the capacities of small farmers to implement sustainable ranching: The experience of the Association of Livestock and Agrosilvopastoral Producers of Pedasi (APASPE)
- Jacob L. Slusser and Saskia Santamaría

Chapter 21: Capacity building experiences for ecological restoration in Latin America
- Zoraida Calle, Gillian Sarah Bloomfield, Saskia Santamaría, Pedro Brancalion, Severino Ribeiro Pinto, Gabriela González, Marina Campos, Eva Garen, Jacob L. Slusser, Carlos Estrada

September 6, 2016 | ELTI Staff News

ELTI staff members - Eva Garen (Director), Hazel Consunji (Philippines Country Coordinator) and Karin Bucht (Online Program Associate) – attended the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii, during which they presented a poster on ELTI’s work and participated in a session to showcase a new partnership between ELTI and IUCN for online training related to Forest Landscape Restoration in the tropics.

July 13, 2016 | El XI SIMPOSIO Internacional de Ambiente

The 11th International Symposium on the Environment was held in Panama City, Panama on July 12-13, 2016. The event, which was organized by the International Development Bank, Panama Canal Authority, Ministry of the Environment, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Industrial Labor Union of Panama and Suma-RSE, was an opportunity for the public and private sectors to discuss and analyze the environmental challenges for Panamanian industry. Held two weeks after the inauguration of the Panama Canal Expansion, the symposium covered diverse themes including; energy and emissions, waste management, watershed management and potable water management.

ELTI's Principal Investigator from the Smithsonian, Dr. Jefferson Hall, presented a talk entitled "Watershed Management to Ensure the Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics" during the watershed management symposium. ELTI's Neotropics Program Coordinator Jacob Slusser and Assistant, Saskia Santamaria also attended the event and distributed ELTI publications and training materials from an informational stand.

May 28, 2016 | Marine Pollution Bulletin

Hazel Consunji, Philippines Coordinator at ELTI, co-authored a newly published article entitled, "Preliminary Assessment of Post-Haiyan Mangrove Damage and Short-term Recovery in Eastern Samar, Central Philippines."

This journal article describes the findings and policy recommendations of a group of scientists and NGO members, including ELTI's Philippine Program Coordinator, Hazel Consunji, based on field assessments they conducted after the super typhoon Haiyan. The preliminary assessment showed that there was generally less damage and more signs of recovery in natural mangrove stands compared to mangrove plantations. Main recommendations were to protect recovering mangroves, to only plant in totally damaged sites (e.g., plantations), and to only plant naturally dominant species, e.g., Sonneratia alba and Avicennia marina, instead of the popular but inappropriate Rhizophora sp.

May 23, 2016 | ELTI's Online Training Program

El Programa de Capacitación en Línea de ELTI recientemente lanzó el primero de una serie de seis cursos en asociación  con la Unión Internacional por la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) titulado: ¨Restauración del Paisaje Forestal en los Trópicos¨. ELTI implementó este primer curso en inglés para una audiencia de 21 participantes basados principalmente en el Este y el Sur de África. Varios de los participantes son líderes y tomadores de decisiones en el campo de la Restauración del Paisaje Forestal en sus respectivos países o regiones. Durante el próximo año, ELTI continuará ofreciendo este curso en Español, Portugués, Francés e Inglés para aliados de UICN alrededor del mundo.

March 7, 2016 | California Academy of Sciences

Este artículo describe un simposio reciente en el cual ELTI participó durante la Reunión Anual de la Asociación Americana para el Avance de la Ciencia (AAAS) en Washington, D.C., el 14 de febrero de 2016. El simposio se enfocó en el rol de la ciencia en la conservación y el desarrollo e incluyó una presentación presentada por la Dra. Eva Garen sobre el trabajo de ELTI en Panamá titulado: ¨Empoderando la Conservación a través de la Construcción de Capacidades con Base Científica¨. El simposio también incluyó presentaciones por el Dr. Jefferson Hall del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI), el Dr. Stephen Box del Instituto Smithsonian, y de Jacobo Paz Bodden, Secretario de Agricultura y Ganadería en Honduras.

February 14, 2016 | California Academy of Sciences - Science News

ELTI's Director, Dr. Eva Garen, participated in a symposium with Dr. Jefferson Hall (STRI; ELTI), Dr. Stephen Box (STRI), and Jacobo Paz Bodden (Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock, Honduras) during the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The symposium was entitled, "Using Biodiversity Science for Conservation and Development" and was hosted by the Smithsonian Institution. The title of Eva's talk was, "Empowering Conservation through Science-based Capacity Building."

January 30, 2016 | TVN Noticias

Thursday January 28, 2016. A special 20 minute documentary shown on TVN – national news, entitled “El Niño: la sed del planeta.”  ELTI Alumni who are members of the Association of Livestock and Agro-Silvopastoral Producers of Pedasí (APASPE) were interviewed about their sustainable ranching and forest restoration practices, which they have conducted on their model farms in the Province of Los Santos in the Azuero Peninsula with the help of ELTI training and mentoring. They discussed how their farms are less vulnerable to the consequences of El Niño droughts and extreme weather caused by climate change, because their restoration practices reintegrate ecosystem services and therefore sustain production on-farm. APASPE interviews start at minute eleven.

January 29, 2016 | La Prensa

Viernes 29 de Enero, 2016. Un artículo en La Prensa de Panamá titulado: ¨Abogan por una ganadería sostenible¨, presenta al Coordinador para Panamá del Programa de Capacitación del Neotrópico de ELTI, Jacob Slusser, quien fue entrevistado sobre el rol de ELTI en proveer capacitación dirigida a aquellos tomadores de decisiones que tienen influencia sobre el uso del suelo, vinculando la ciencia con la práctica. Jacob debate sobre estrategias de ganadería sostenible como lo son la restauración forestal y los sistemas silvopastoriles, los cuales sirven como alternativas a las prácticas convencionales, ayudan a restaurar los servicios ecosistémicos y crean paisajes agrícolas más resilientes y menos vulnerables a climas extremos. Sumado a esto, él menciona como estos conceptos están siendo enseñados en el curso de campo de ELTI titulado: ¨Servicios Ambientales y Restauración de Bosques Tropicales¨, el cual se lleva a cabo en el Proyecto Agua Salud de STRI y es ofrecido a una audiencia internacional de profesionales de la restauración de Latinoamérica.

September 14, 2015 | ETFRN News

Since 2009, ELTI's Neotropics Program has supported the establishment and development of the Association of Livestock and Agro-Silvopastoral Producers of Pedasí (referred to by the Spanish acronym APASPE), which is Panama's first community-based sustainable cattle ranching association. This article highlights ELTI's work to establish APASPE with alumni of ELTI's Training Program, as well as the initial successes and hurdles and the long-term successes and challenges faced by APASPE members. The article was published by the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) News 57, entitled "Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations".

July 11, 2015 | ELTI Online Training Program

ELTI's Online Training Program launched a Spanish and Portuguese version of the six-week introductory course entitled, Tropical Forest Restoration in Human Dominated Landscapes of Latin America, on Monday, July 13. The course was advertised for two weeks for participants within the Neotropics, during which time 618 applicants applied for only 40 spaces. Learn more about ELTI's Online Training Program.

June 17, 2015 | PARTNERS

This article describes ELTI's six-day field-based training course in Panama entitled, "Ecosystem Services and Tropical Forest Restoration." The course takes place in ELTI's focal training site located within the Agua Salud Project in the Panama Canal Watershed (PCW). The Agua Salud Project is a research initiative of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). (Article in English)

March 10, 2015 | Iberoamerican and Caribbean Society for Ecological Restoration 4th Congress Website

ELTI fue aceptado para liderar un simposio sobre estrategias e innovaciones necesarias para el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la restauración ecológica en el IV Congreso Iberoamericano y del Caribe de Restauración Ecológica, el cual tendrá lugar del 12 al 16 de abril de 2015. Este evento presentará el trabajo que ELTI viene realizando con capacitaciones en campo, capacitaciones en línea, y actividades para el desarrollo de liderazgo así como las estrategias y los enfoques para la construcción de capacidades llevado a cabo por los aliados de ELTI en la Fundación CIPAV, el Centro de Investigaciones Ambientales del Nordeste (CEPAN), Ecologic, TNC Brasil y el Laboratorio de Ecología y Restauración Forestal (LERF) (Página en Español)

March 1, 2015 | TRóPICOS

This article describes ELTI's establishment of a focal training site at STRI's Agua Salud Project site, which is being utilized to train land-use decision makers on tropical forest restoration in modified human-landscapes via field-based training courses that incorporate Agua Salud science into lectures and visits to demonstration sites. (Article in English and Spanish)

October 12, 2014 | La Estrella de Panamá

This article focuses on how increased forest cover in pastures and working more in harmony with nature does not only improve ecosystem services (water, biodiversity, soil fertility, mitigation of storm damage, etc.) but also increase on-farm production,the advantages of which farmers and ranchers have come to recognize. (Article in Spanish)

September 29, 2014 | STRI Website

ELTI's tropical forest restoration in cattle ranching landscapes course and community based leadership development was featured in the STRI News, a weekly newsletter regarding STRI's tropical research endeavors in Panama. (Article in English)

August 6, 2014 | This Week at Yale YSE

ELTI joins President Salovey, alumni and in-country partners in Brazil to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the State University of Southern Bahia as a first step in exploring the development of a focal training site on forest restoration in this region of the Atlantic Forest. (Article in English)

July 3, 2014 | Balitek-KSDA website

Lessons from Panama for the Samboja Special Forest Zone. (Article in Indonesian)

Pembelajaran dari Panama untuk KHDTK.

June 26, 2014 | Balitek-KSDA website

This article is in Indonesian.

Melalui Pelatihan Lapang Rehabilitasi dan Restorasi Hutan, Balitek-KSDA Diseminasikan Hasil Penelitian.

June 15, 2014 |

ELTI joins a group of scientists and NGO members to assess the mangrove damage in Eastern Visayas after the super typhoon Haiyan, in order to provide evidence-based policy recommendations on the PhP 1 billion mangrove rehabilitation program of the Philippine government. (Article in English)

June 4, 2014 | "Yale and the World" Press Release

ELTI recently launched an online training course on forest restoration in Portuguese which was completed by twenty-six environmental leaders hailing from ten states within Brazil. During this six-week course, participants from diverse sectors across Brazil such as government agencies, NGOs, private companies, academia, and public-private partnerships worked to develop preliminary management plans for the implementation of forest restoration projects. (Article in English)

February 21, 2014 | Rappler

Two years into a Partnership Agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Civil Society Organizations gathered and discussed their concerns about the National Greening Program (NGP) being too focused on meeting targets "at all costs regardless of the consequences", but missing the real objectives of the program. (Article in English)

February 18, 2014 | Ministry of Forestry's FORDA Website

Visit by the Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative, Yale-NUS College, and National University of Singapore to Balitek-KSDA Samboja. (Article in Indonesian)

Kunjungan Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative, Yale-NUS College, dan National University of Singapore ke Balitek-KSDA Samboja.

February 1, 2014 | Panao Newsletter

ELTI, together with the Forest Restoration Research Unit of Chiang Mai University (FORRU-CMU) and Pampanga Agricultural College, held a 3-day field-based National Forest Restoration Research Training to increase capacity in native species reforestation by encouraging more systematic research on restoration-related issues, such as species selection, choosing an appropriate restoration strategy, and the ecology and propagation of native species. (Article in English)

May 27, 2013 | Visayas State University Website

With the encouragement of ELTI, lecturers from NUS Bachelor of Environmental Studies Program visits VSU as a possible site for their field program. (Article in English)

December 1, 2012 | Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability

Short piece explaining the different approaches used in southeast Asia to reforest and restore forests. (Article in English)

October 1, 2012 | Sri Lanka Daily News

This article from the Sri Lanka Daily News announces the ELTI Conference on Restoring Forests in Human Dominated Landscapes of the Wet Evergreen Region, South Asia. (Article in English)

September 25, 2012 | Tribun Kaltim

ELTI Holds Mine Rehabilitation Training in Balikpapan. (Article in Indonesian)

ELTI Gelar Pelatihan Rehabilitasi Lahan Tambang Batu Bara di Balikpapan.