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We've compiled the following resources to assist our trainees and alumni. Also of note is our Tropical Restoration Library, a multidisciplinary source of knowledge and research to support restoration training, research, and implementation around the world.
ELTI Resource Documents
July 30, 2020
Source: ELTI, IUCN
Blended training to equip leaders in Africa with knowledge and tools for forest landscape restoration
This 2-page flyer documents the approach and outcomes of an ELTI-IUCN blended course series in Africa on Forest Landscape Restoration. The training series combined in-person workshops, field visits and online training to develop the capacity of professionals working on regional FLR and ROAM processes in Togo, Ethiopia and Madagascar.
July 1, 2020
Source: CIPAV
Árboles Nativos para Predios Ganaderos
The book Árboles Nativos para Predios Ganaderos (Native trees for cattle farms – Focal Species of the Colombian Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project), written by Zoraida and Enrique Murgueitio, was released on July 1, 2020t. This book puts together information on the natural history and ecology of 15 native trees and palms and provides recommendations for integrating these species into agroforestry, silvopastoral and forest restoration initiatives. This open-access publication is sponsored by the Colombian Sustainable Cattle Ranching project. The printed books will be donated.
June 17, 2020
Source: Tropenbos Indonesia, Balitek-KSDA, Politeknik Politani and Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
Introducing Melaleuca (Melaleuca cajuputi), Prospects for Its Development, Cultivation, and Distillation
ELTI’s Indonesia Program, in collaboration with Tropenbos Indonesia, Balitek-KSDA, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda and Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, published a booklet in Indonesian entitled, “Pengenalan Atsiri (Melaleuca cajuputi) Prospek Pengembangan, Budidaya dan Penyulingannya” [in English - Introducing Melaleuca (Melaleuca cajuputi), Prospects for Its Development, Cultivation, and Distillation]. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam supported the online training of this publication.
The authors are Farida Aryani, Noorcahyati and Arbainsyah.
March 31, 2020
Source: ELTI, Blue Forest Foundation, Tropenbos Indonesia, Balitek-KSDA and Pertamina EP
Proboscis Monkey and Their Habitat at the Sungai Hitam Mangrove Forest
ELTI’s Indonesia Program, in collaboration with Blue Forest Foundation, Tropenbos Indonesia and Balitek-KSDA, published a book entitled, Bekantan dan Habitatnya di Sungai Hitam (in English, Proboscis Monkey and Their Habitat at the Sungai Hitam Mangrove Forest). The book outlines the results of a social and ecological assessment conducted to determine the best way forward to rehabilitate a riparian habitat for the proboscis monkey in the ELTI training landscape in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pertamina EP supported the printing of this publication.
February 26, 2019
Source: International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Reforesting for the climate of tomorrow: recommendations for strengthening orangutan conservation and climate change resilience in Kutai National Park, Indonesia
Kutai National Park in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, houses an incredible diversity of species including the Bornean Orangutan, but has suffered widespread deforestation and forest degradation. This IUCN report provides guidance on revising Kutai National Park’s existing restoration practices to better reestablish forest function, address the needs for threatened species, and to increase resilience to climate change
Conference Proceedings
December 23, 2017
Source: SIACRE
Strategies and Innovations for Capacity Building on Ecological Restoration (English)
This document is the English translation of the proceedings of a symposium held during the 4th Congress of the Iberoamerican and Caribbean Society for Ecological Restoration (SIACRE) held on the 13th of April, 2015 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Field Guides
October 3, 2017
Source: ELTI
Generic Names of Plant Species Stored at Herbarium Wanariset (WAN), East Kalimantan, Indonesia
This book provides an overview of the 18,000 botanical specimens stored at the Wanariset Herbarium (WAN). The Herbarium is part of ELTI's focal training site in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Conference Proceedings
September 27, 2017
Source: SIACRE
SIACRE-2015 Decision-making to reverse environmental degradation
This is a book published in Spanish by the Ibero-american and Caribbean Society for Ecological Restoration (SIACRE) as a proceedings of their 2015 conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Chapter 10 provides a summary of an ELTI and CIPAV led symposium held at the conference on capacity-building for ecological restoration.
Conference Proceedings
September 5, 2017
Source: SIACRE
Beyond Restoration Ecology: Social Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean
This book consists of a collection of articles about the social dimensions of ecological restoration, which were presented during the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Ecological Restoration’s (known by its Spanish acronym as SIACRE) IV Iberoamerican and Caribbean Congress of Ecological Restoration, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2015. Two of the chapters were authored by ELTI personnel and collaborators, which illustrate ELTI’s efforts in forest restoration capacity building.Chapter 18 by Jacob L. Slusser and Saskia Santamaría: Strengthening the capacities of small farmers to implement sustainable ranching: the experience of the Association of Livestock and Agrosilvopastoral Producers of Pedasi (APASPE). Chapter 21 by Zoraida Calle, Gillian Sarah Bloomfield, Saskia Santamaría, Pedro Brancalion, Severino Ribeiro Pinto, Gabriela González, Marina Campos, Eva Garen, Jacob L. Slusser, Carlos Estrada: Capacity building experiences for ecological restoration in Latin America.
August 30, 2017
Source: ELTI and IUCN
Leaders in Action: Online Learning for FLR
This booklet includes a collection of inspirational stories from alumni of the ELTI-IUCN online courses, "Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics" that illustrate the diverse ways in which individuals have made profound and positive impacts that they contribute to their participation in these courses.
Related Resources
ELTI Initiatives:
Yale School of of the Environment Initiatives: