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Lely Puspitasari

Indonesia Program Coordinator, Blue Forests

Based at Blue Forests Foundation in Indonesia, Lely Puspitasari brings a wide array of experiences working with the private sector and local communities to promote sustainable forest management.

Lely is a forester by training with specializations in sustainable forest management, silviculture, and invasive species. Prior to joining ELTI, she worked for Blue Forests Foundation managing mangrove projects in West Kalimantan. She is a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) lead auditor and has been involved in an array of forest management audits in the Asia Pacific region including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, and Papua New Guinea. She has also served as a Quality Panel member for the High Conservation Value (HCV) Network in reviewing HCV assessment reports for palm oil and forestry plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia. Lely holds a B.A. in forestry from Gadjah Mada University and a M.Sc. in forestry from Northern Arizona University.

It is incredibly rewarding to support smallholders and professional land managers in implementing sustainable forest management."

Lely Puspitasari


Lely Puspitasari conducting a FSC forest management audit in Indonesia.